Beer #86: Two Trailer Park Girls Go Round the Outside! Majestic Mullet (Parkway Brewing)


Name: Majestic Mullet
Type: Golden Ale
Brewer: Parkway Brewing
Location: Virginia
ABV: 5.6%
IBUS: 28
Grade: F
From the Brewer: Majestic Mullet is a golden ale with notes of cereal and grain. Balanced by hints of floral hop aroma and an accentuating bitterness, the nuances of the yeast add a fruity, vinous note.

My Thoughts: Awesome name. Gross beer. I'm not a lager guy. And I always complain I want more flavor in my lagers. But good lord, this is not what I meant. Tastes very odd. Almost a sickening flavor. I don't love it even a little bit! But still, not as bad as Bud Light. I don't recommend it though.
