Beer #68: The Happiness You Can Eat! Yuengling Hershey's Chocolate Porter

Name: Hershey's Chocolate Porter 
Type: Porter
Brewer: Yuengling
Grade: C+
Availability: Fall
From the Brewer: Yuengling, America’s Oldest Brewery, and Hershey, America’s most iconic chocolate, are collaborating, for the first time in their history, to provide a once in a lifetime creation for their loyal fans to enjoy. America loves beer and America loves chocolate, so Yuengling and Hershey joined forces to bring the best of both worlds to their fans with a limited-edition Yuengling Hershey’s Chocolate Porter.  This collaboration gives consumers the opportunity to savor and indulge in the unique beer from America’s Oldest Brewery and America’s most beloved chocolate brand.

My Thoughts: I'm torn on if I like this one or not. It's not a beer for me. But if ever there was a dessert beer, this is it. Recommended for people who don't like beer.

