My Mission Statement

I don't plan on anyone reading this blog.  So why in the world am I writing it then?  Because I got tired of collecting bottles.  I am a beer connoisseur and  I want some way to keep track of the different beers I try out.  So I thought about a visual representation of it.  I will do this by taking a pic of the beer poured and the container it comes in.  Unless I have tried the beer and really hate it.  In which case I won't buy it again to drink.  But I will add it to my reviews.  I plan on including all types of info on it as I can get hold of.  From IBU's to alcohol percentage, to where it is brewed.

The beers will also a grade (A+ to F).  I won't rank the beers verses each other because there are many different types.  After all, is an IPA so much better than a porter?  Or vice versa?  That's subjective.  I thought about doing lists of IPAs, Porters, Stouts, etc. and ranking them against each other.  But I decided against that.  I just want to keep track of the different kinds.  I will be trying out all different beers.

Read my blog if you would like.  If you don't, no worries.  Let's hop to it!  Heh, heh.  Cheesy joke.
