Beer #87: Dang the Torpedoes! Full Speed Ahead! Sierra Nevada's Torpedo IPA


Name: Torpedo
Brewer: Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
Type: Extra IPA
Basic Location: California
IBUS: 65
Grade: B
From the Brewer: It started as a napkin sketch in a pub, an idea for a device that could boost hop aroma without adding more bitterness. We built the sketch, and the “Hop Torpedo” revolutionized dry hopping and inspired Torpedo, one of our favorite IPA style beers. It’s an aggressive yet balanced beer featuring the complex citrus, pine, and herbal character of whole-cone hops. This captivating IPA will leave you reaching for another.

My Thoughts: I love pine in my IPAs. Even if that makes me weird it's true. So I give this one a thumbs up. It's not top of the top. But it's still pretty amazing. 
