Beer #84: Give me Liberty! Turtle Anarchy - Another Way to Rye


Name: Another Way to Rye
Type: Rye IPA
Brewer: Turtle Anarchy
Location: Nashville, TN
ABV: 6.0%
IBU: 60
Grade: C
From the Brewer: A bold rye, India pale ale with added spiciness from a healthy addition of rye malt, contributes a nice red hue in color. This IPA has a pronounced citrus hop aroma and flavor.

My Thoughts: I was a little disappointed in this beer. Not because I think it’s bad. But I love the taste of rye. So I was hoping for a shot of that in the beer. But try as I might I could not taste it. Must be really subtle. It is a decent beer, but not the rye shot in an IPA I was hoping for. Still kudos to them for making it! 
