Beer #81: Guaranteed to Jack You Up! Voodoo Ranger Atomic Pumpkin


Name: Atomic Pumpkin
Type: Ale brewed with pumpkin juice, Saigon cinnamon, habanero, aji and del arbol peppers.
Brewer: New Belgium Brewing Company
ABV: 6.4%
Grade: F
From the Brewer: Enough with the run-of-the-mill pumpkin beers. I’m not interested in an ale that takes cues from a frozen coffee drink, and neither are you. That’s why I made Atomic Pumpkin. Does it really feature habanero peppers? Yep! What about Saigon cinnamon? Ding! Aji and del arbol peppers? Winner. I round it all out with a hearty malt bill that makes for a spicy brew that puts the “Fun” back in pumpkin. (Spelling was never my strength)

My Thoughts:  I never thought I would give a Voodoo Ranger an F. But here we go. It does taste like pumpkin. But then it burns! Badly. I would forgive it for that. Because some people like hot stuff. However, the pumpkin spice is a too surgary to me. So I'm having to give it an F based on all those factors. Still with all the beers VR has, this in no way detracts with how awesome they are.
