What Should Have Been

So my wife and I went on a cruise at the beginning of October. I decided to try a new beer a day to add to my beer blog. So there was going to be a lot of new blog posts. But as someone has said before, 'life happens while you are making other plans.' 

November fourth we pick up two friends who had flown in from TN to go on the cruise as well. Five minutes away from the Sanford airport someone makes a mistake in judgement. Pulls out right in front of you. And it changed the vacation we had been planning for a year and half.

Now thank goodness no one was hurt. But there were injuries. My wife and I were carted away in an ambulance to the hospital. My wife broke a finger on her right (dominant) hand. She is currently in a brace for it.

Not only did it mess up our cruise. But it also was a nightmare to get back home. Due to hurricane Ian Florida won't let you take rental cars out of state. So $875 of extra expense was required to fly home a day later. Sucks. And the lady who pulled out in front of us was under insured as well. Double suck. But on the bright side, no one died. So we can all be grateful for that.

So my beers (at least some of them) will be coming in blog form. But I can't help but wonder what could have been. Ten straight days of beer blogs. But that's life. As Lagunitas Brewing reminds us. 'Life is short, don't sip!'
