Beer #61: Buenos Dias! Buenaveza Salt & Lime Lager (Stone)


Name: Buenaveza
Type: Salt & Lime Lager
Brewer: Stone
Location: California
Grade: C+
What Makes it Unique: Stone Buenaveza Salt & Lime Lager was born here in Southern California, which is vibrantly influenced by our neighbors to the south. SoCal's warm weather lends itself to outdoor activities year-round. From surfing our coasts, to snowboarding and biking in the mountains, off-roading through deserted lands, or boating and fishing in our lakes and rivers, this Baja-inspired lager is the perfect companion. Brewed with just the right amount of lime and sea salt, it’s everything a lager should be – crisp, refreshing and full of flavor.

Smooth lager. Slightly limey. I would appreciate more lime flavor. But still tasty. I'm not a huge lager dude. But Stone is always solid. So you can do worse for sure!
