Beer #57: Meant To! It's Called A Belgium Dip! (New Belgium Mothership Wit)


Name: Mothership Wit
Type: Witbier/Lager
Brewer: New Belgium
Grade: D
What Makes it Unique: Our first venture into organically-produced beer, Mothership Wit Organic Wheat Beer elevates the zesty Wit or White beers of Belgium. Our far-flung Beer Rangers affectionately refer to our Fort Collins brewery as the Mothership, a name that conjures images of earth shot from space and the interconnectivity of it all. Mothership Wit is brewed with wheat and barley malt, as well as coriander and orange peel spicing resulting in a balance of citrus and sour flavors held in suspension by a bright burst of carbonation.

Disappointing to say the least. New Belgium beer is usually pretty solid. But this is....mediocre, at best. I don't mind lagers at all. They are usually smooth and easy to drink. Unfortunately this tastes like every other ale other.  I'd say pass on this, but hey your mileage may vary.
