Beer #53: Not Special - Modelo Especial


Name: Modelo
Type: Lager
Grade: F
What Makes it Unique: Well-balanced taste and light hop character with a crisp, clean finish. Modelo Especial is characterized by an orange blossom honey aroma with a hint of herb. Modelo Especial contains Water, Barley Malt, Non-malted Cereals and Hops.

Whoever wrote that paragraph praising the beer are good at wording things, but I don't taste those flavors at all. I taste nothing. There are some lagers that are tasty, but this is one of the worst I've ever had. I wouldn't feed this to my worst enemy. This one is wasted calories. An F rating is being generous. If it's your jam, enjoy. But I hate this beer. It joins Red Stripe and Bud Light as my least favorite beers.
