Better With Time (Updated Rankings)

 Hey everyone, hope you have enjoyed all my beer adventures! As I continue to try out new beers, I have been re-thinking my rating system. While the whole A-F ranking has worked fine I kind of wanted to incorporate an S ranking into my tiers. Why? Because I like having an extra tier to rank the beer!  So all beers would be rated as the following:

F Tier - Horrible, horrible beer. Vomit inducing swill. Avoid at all costs.

D Tier - Bad beer. I don't recommend at all. But if you feel adventurous, go for it!

C Tier - Mediocre beer. This one isn't terrible. So if you see it, try it, but don't rush out to get it!

B Tier - Good beer. This one is worth trying out. At least in my opinion.

A Tier - Great beer! These beers rock! I would go out of my way to get these.

S Tier - The best of the best! I highly recommend these beers. Worth drinking. Worth going out of your way to try. Love these beers!

Of course all opinions are my own. But this is going to be my new beer ranking. Also I will be going back and updating all beer rankings starting with #1 back in 2019. I'm also thinking about changing a few features up and of course my beer year in review is coming as well. Stay tuned!
