Beer #47: Put the Lime in the......uh....New Belgium Sparkling Lime Lager


Name: Sparkling Lime 
Type: Lager
Brewer: New Belgium Brewing
Grade: F (Original Ranking: D-)
Availability: Discontinued
What Makes it Unique: Citrus and sunshine make a fantastic combination. The only thing missing is Sparkling Lime Lager. Bright, bubbly, packed with lime flavor, and brewed for crushing. This refreshing lager was made for soaking up the sun.

This one almost got an F in my book. I don't love lagers in all fairness, but even for a lager this one was kind of lame. The 'lime' flavor is almost nonexistent. I guess this is kind of moot in the long run because this beer is now discontinued. But honestly you aren't missing anything. A rare miss for New Belgium! 
