Beer #40: All Aboard! Tangerine Express Hazy IPA (Stone Brewing)


Name: Tangerine Express
Type: Hazy IPA
Brewer: Stone Brewery
Location of Taprooms: Richmond, VA; Pasadena, CA, and more! 
Grade: D (Original Ranking: C+)
What Makes it Unique: This beer’s uniquely hazy appearance is a credit to the glorious whole tangerine purée in every batch. Using the whole fruit allows us to harness every bit of its natural depth of character, from the juice to the zest and everything in between. Add just the right amount of pineapple and, this being Stone, a whole lot of hops, and this beer is rounded off in an amazingly hazily citrusy tasty paradise of flavors and aromas.

It's definitely hazy and full of tangerine.  Guess it just doesn't do much for me.  Still, not terrible.  Stone is a solid brewery!
