Beer #36: Don't Go Postal! Go Coastal! (SweetWater Goin' Coastal IPA)


Name: Goin' Coastal
Brewery: SweetWater
Location: Atlanta, GA
Type: IPA
Alcohol Content: 6.1%
What Makes it Unique: Slip into some sunshine and step off the grid by Goin’ Coastal with this pineapple laced IPA. The bright aromas of the five citrus hop additions are accentuated by the tropical fruit of the pineapple. And just like those three day weekends, its finish is quick. Golden copper in color with a full malt bill to bring the balance to our year round offering.
Final Grade:  D (Original Ranking: D)

I normally like IPAs.  And I really like SweetWater too.  But this just tastes like a heavy grapefruit IPA.  The taste of pineapple doesn't come through.  That made me sad.  So I say pass on this beer.
