Beer #33: Beads?! Bees? - Honey Brown Lager (Dundee Brewing)


Name: Honey Brown Lager
Brewery: Dundee Brewing
Location: Rochester, NY
Type: Lager
Alcohol Content: 4.5%
IBU: 10
What Makes it Unique: Gold Award Winner of the 2004 World Beer Cup: Special Honey Lager or Ale Category, this lager is brewed with pure clover honey. It has a golden color and has a distinctive clover-like sweetness.
Final Grade:  D- (Original Ranking: D+)

Yeah I know, you were probably thinking this was going to get a higher grade.  And I so wanted it to!  But it's not super great.  Problem is it's just so boring.  The honey flavor barely makes it through.  Instead it tastes like a passible brown ale.  Wish I could be more positive.  But that's all I got.  
