Beer #14 Two Centuries Was Worth The Wait - Guinness 200th Anniversary Stout

Beer # 14 took a while to get here....

Name: Guinness 200th Anniversary Stout
Brewery: The Open Gate Brewery
Location: St. James Gate, Dublin
Type: Stout
What Makes it Unique: Deep dark flavor with roasted malt and sweet chocolate.
Alcohol Content: 6.0%
Final Grade:  C+ (Original Ranking: A-)

1817 was Guinness first patented malt in America.  And they have been making delicious coffee inspired stouts ever since.  Some people think it's too dark.  But I think it's amazing.  And honestly not as bitter as my IPAs.  Still good though.

Fun fact, until 2016 Guinness, like many other brewers, used isinglass, a by-product of the fishing industry that’s used to clarify the beer and make yeast settle faster.  So if you had Guinness you had some fish with your beer!  But not anymore.  It's vegan approved now.  Crazy though huh?
