Beer #4 I Like Some Coffee With My Beer (Stone's Espresso Totalitarian Imperial Stout)

Made it to blog #4!  Starting to, well not roll.  But starting I guess!  What's our beer for today?

Name: Espresso Totalitarian
Brewery: Stone Brewing
Location: Escondido, CA
Type: Imperial Stout
What Makes it Unique: Brewed with Espresso
Alcohol Content: 10.6%
Final Grade: S (Original Ranking: A+)

Stone Brewing is not afraid of what you think.  I remember the first time I ever tried their Arrogant Bastard ale.  It was so hoppy I thought I wouldn't be able to taste anything else all night (But that's a different blog post!)!

So here we a Russian Imperial Stout.  I have always liked these kind of beers.  Add in the espresso and it honestly smooth's out the taste.  The alcohol content is 10.6% so be careful while you drink this one.  It can sneak up on you!  That being said, this is an excellent beer.  Get it if you are into stouts.  Delicious!
