Beer #1: Don't Eat It! But Drink it? (Rogue Yellow Snow)

Beer #1:

Name:  Yellow Snow
Brewery: Rogue
Type: Pilsner
IBUs: 19
Alcohol Content:  5.5%
Final Grade: C+ (Original A-)

Rogue's Yellow Snow is a seasonal brew.  It's only available from November through February.  It's a winter style pilsner with pine/spruce notes.
What gives it the rating?

Presentation:  Nice yellow color in the glass.  Looks hazy but almost sparkles. 

Flavor:  Smooth and tasty.  Very light pilsner.  But not weak, i.e not Bud Light.

Bottom line:  Delicious beer.  Very drinkable.  Low IBUs.  And a smooth finish.  Tasty beer!  A definite limited release that's worth picking up.
